Networking and cooperation with European and non-European partners

Projects funded by the European Union require cooperation between partner organisations from a number of countries. This can vary between three and up to 50 partners, depending on the type of project, the terms of reference of the call, the duration, etc. In general, cooperation must be complementary and comprehensive, and avoid overlaps.

Maas Consulting serves you…

The experts of Maas Consulting all have worked for specialised organisations in international cooperation for a long time. They have access to large networks of persons and organisations in different fields in the European Union and the rest of the world. They know how to reach the relevant officials from the European Commission, the European Parliament and EUROSTAT.

Flip Maas and his team of experts moderate in setting up good cooperation arrangements. This is needed in view of different expectations, traditions and cultures of organisations of different countries.

We help in the preparation of

  • project ideas
  • concrete project proposals
  • consortia agreements
  • the formalisation of reporting needs
  • establishment of rules on financial contributions and obligations
  • communication arrangements through intra- and internet
  • effective and efficient communication and dissemination methods